The Whole And Its Parts | The Feldenkrais Method® in San Francisco, CA | Paul Senechko, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(CM)

The Whole And Its Parts | The Feldenkrais Method® in San Francisco, CA | Paul Senechko, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(CM)

Who I Work With

I work with people of all backgrounds and ages who want to move more easily or with less pain. We will engage in a process of self-discovery together. We’ll find patterns of movement that hold you back from finding comfort and from living in the way that you would like.

My Background With The Feldenkrais Method®

I am currently transcribing Dr. Feldenkrais’ 1975-77 only complete teacher training that he did in America. This was only the second time Dr. Feldenkrais trained and certified others to continue his work. I am working with the International Feldenkrais Federation and a small number of other practitioners to bring this training to our community.

I have deeply immersed myself in Dr. Feldenkrais’ work. I have completed and studied the San Francisco Training (above) as well as his subsequent, third teacher training he began but did not complete in Amherst, MA 1980-81.

Dr. Feldenkrais left a large amount of material to our community that includes audio recordings, videos and transcribed notes. I consider Dr. Feldenkrais’ own words and teaching to be the finest demonstration of his ideas and philosophy and I hold his source material as my primary reference for centering my studies of his method.

Martial Arts and Other Studies

Dr. Feldenkrais’ own work was influenced by his study of Physics and martial arts (Judo) as well as other teachers and thinkers of his day including G.I. Gurdjieff, F.M. Alexander and Heinrich Jacoby.

My own studies include the martial arts of Aikido (3rd degree black belt and teacher) and Chen Taijiquan . I have a certificate in Ericksonian Hypnosis based on the work of Milton Erickson from the Milton H. Erickson Institute of the Bay Area .

My Path to Dr. Feldenkrais’ Work

I began my study of the Feldenkrais Method® in 2004. At the time I was an avid yoga practitioner and I was studying to become a yoga instructor. During an “Anatomy for Yoga” workshop the teacher introduced a few “Feldenkrais-like” exercises and I was interested to know more. I purchased and read Dr. Feldenkrais’ books and was drawn in by his way of describing the inseparability between body and mind.

I began attending local Awareness Through Movement® classes. I was intrigued by my inability to reconcile the ideas in his books with the seemingly unrelated movements we did during class. The effects I felt after the classes were undeniable. I would feel lighter or taller or more grounded or a combination of these and more. I wondered about how these changes occurred from doing these simple, small exercises.

I received individual Functional Integration® sessions and immediately noticed huge changes in my yoga practice. Movements and postures that had been difficult for me were now easier and more available and new possibilities emerged.

I enrolled in the Institute for the Study of Somatic Education Professional Feldenkrais Method® teacher training as a way to increase my understanding and effectiveness in my study of yoga. I graduated in 2011 after 4 years of training more intrigued than I was when I started. I began to teach Awareness Through Movement® classes and give individual Functional Integration® sessions in San Francisco. I became so deeply interested in the work that I stopped teaching and practicing yoga altogether to focus on this work.